Douglas Brinkley: Eager to please Joe & Hunter Biden.
CNN commentator chats with our 'not' Hunter.
Where was Joe Biden, on July 29th, 2024? —He was at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum, in Austin, Texas giving a speech, commemorating the 60th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act.
In attendance was Douglas Brinkley, a history commentator for fake news CNN, Presidential Historian for the New York Historical Society, and a contributing editor to the magazine Vanity Fair.
Joe Biden had started speaking (if one could call it that) at 4:11 pm CDT, to much-forced applause.
Right up there in the front, sat Doug, beaming with pride and enthusiasm for his hero, Joey B!
At 4:59 pm ET, our ‘not’ Hunter messaged him asking:
“Are you at the library w dad? —Doug finally saw this, as the chance he needed to “clear the air” on some behind-the-scenes “drama” that he was involved in, within the campaign.
A few missed calls came for our ‘not’ Hunter, and some very urgent voice messages were left...
We’ll leave this at that, for now.
Two years of this —we call it, “a little bit of trolling”.
Doug Brinkley, Naomi Biden, Ashley Biden, Joe Biden, Scott Bates, Krista Archer, Devon Archer, Xin Gao, Diane and Arthur Engoron, and Phillipa Horan, to name a few.
… oh boy … two years huh? This will be an interesting read…
I can't wait to read more!!