Hunter Biden DID Pay For Joe Biden's Secret Cell Phone & Number!
I didn’t think that our Sunday enjoyment could get any better, than tuning into the much publicized, Kim Dotcom and Marco Polo, 𝕏 SPACE livestream. But shortly after the 𝕏 SPACE ended, we were sent a link via DM, to a private message board, with a short note by a user with the handle, ‘ShareBear’.
Included was a link to a website.
The site, seems to hold all of the Biden Laptop data in its original form, from what we can tell so far.
Although most of the images and videos have been seen before, what’s painfully obvious from the few we’ve downloaded, is that there are no redactions at all. None.
Quite the Christmas gift for the Biden’s!
What piqued our interest though, wasn’t the enormous (no pun intended) tranche of self made ‘home videos, but a set of documents that seem to show an AT&T account (number 464064729470), with an outstanding balance, of $1800.00.
As far as we can tell, this is ‘never-before-seen’ information, and it leaves you wondering, if there’s more to come. (And if so, could the Biden’s handle another massive blow like this?)
We can’t confirm if the AT&T bill has been paid or not, or how long it has been in the red, but according to the e-dump, as of November 2023, it hadn’t been. A quick search of the Biden Laptop emails, shows the account was in use, as far back as 2011.
We can confirm though, that the account is linked directly to Robert Hunter Biden. As of November 2023, it seems to have the sitting pResident, Joe Biden listed as a ‘secondary user’.
What this indicates, is that Hunter Biden, the owner and (non) bill payer of the account, added his father to it at some point (at least) between 2011 and 2018.
As a secondary user, one can operate a mobile device and number, while having it registered to the primary account owner. They also have the same privileges as the main account owner, and can even make purchases from the AT&T online store.

The question then has to be asked; Could this be one way, Joe Biden bypasses the White House security protocols regarding the use of personal devices? He’s often seen carrying two Apple iPhones, that never seem to leave his side. Could one of these be a private device, paid for and registered to his “smartest guy I know” son, Hunter? It’s a fair question to ask, wouldn’t you say?
Sunday, Dec 17th, 2023. Joe Biden is pictured holding two cell phones .
Given the nature of what we now know about the Biden Crime Family’s business dealings, “The Big Guy”, would need a way to stay in touch with his son, at all times, out of the scope of the WHCA/WHMO and the USSS.
In an email dated 2018-03-08 sent to the Primary Account owner, and mentioning account ending 9470, it says:
“Hi J,[oe]
Your profile for the account number ending in 9470 has been updated with changes made recently.”
It should be noted, that there are no other users with the initial, “J” in the account. The only other user, besides Hunter and Joe, is Hunter’s daughter, Naomi —who describes her father, as a “man filled with love, integrity, and human struggles.”
AT&T says this, about ‘Secondary Account’ holders:
“Important note: Anyone granted secondary account access can perform most of the same functions that you do online. This includes making plan changes and viewing billing information for the account, as well as any accounts combined on the same bill.”
Joe Biden has stated numerous times, that he has had no business dealing with his son, nor does he discuss any business with him. As we all know, this is a complete lie.

After defying a subpoena to testify before the House Oversight Committee earlier this week, on Dec. 13, Hunter said:
“Let me state as clearly as I can: My father was not financially involved in my business, not as a practicing lawyer, not as a board member of Burisma, not in my partnership with a Chinese private businessman, not in my investments at home nor abroad, and certainly not as an artist.”
In fact, The White House Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre confirmed that Joe Biden was well aware of what his son was going to tell the press that day.
Law professor Jonathan Turley wrote:
“There is another possible cost to this move. Fox News quoted White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre saying that (Joe) Biden ‘was certainly familiar with what his son was going to say,’ which suggests that” Joe spoke with Hunter “before his act of contempt and discussed his statement. If that is true, it was a breathtaking mistake. One of the four most obvious potential articles of impeachment that I laid out in my prior testimony was obstruction. There already are questions over special treatment potentially being given to Hunter in the form of alleged felonies being allowed to expire, warnings about planned federal raids, and sweetheart deals.”
The George Washington University law professor told FOX News host Laura Ingraham that Democrats now accept that Hunter Biden was into influence peddling but argue President Biden was unaware.
"We are seeing the shifting rhetoric, even from the president himself," Turley told Ingraham. He stated during the campaign that he had no knowledge, no involvement with these business deals or these associates of his son. That appears to be demonstrably false. We now know that even Hunter's associates said it was nonsense. Hunter himself said his father had knowledge. But, you have the president sort of caught in the amber of this scandal. And he can't now deny what he told the public over and over again."
What’s become abundantly clear, is this. Joe Biden was fully aware of his son’s business dealings, and also benefited greatly from it. Afterall, he IS the head of the Biden [Crime] Family and the actual “BRAND” they peddle to anyone that’ll pay.
Just as it alludes to, in the graphic below, father and son, are quite possibly partners in crime.
Side by side, one, seemingly as guilty as the other.
Joe & Hunter Biden: Joint AT&T Account

We’re certain there’s way more to this story, so stay tuned as we delve into this newly found trove.
Next up, and out later in the week: “ALEXANDER BENJAMIN SPIRO”. This next story, may well end up as a paid subscriber only feature, due to the IC eyeballs that’ll be all over this.
They thought they were invincible. Rotten to the core.